Hypnosis and NLP for Anxiety, Stress and Depression

Hypnosis and NLP for Anxiety, Stress and Depression.  Anxiety is a normal reaction to Stress.  But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations you need to do something about it before it is not only a burden you have to struggle with every day, but it also makes you physically ill and depressed.

Is your stress impacting on your progress at work?

Are you crippled with exam nerves?

Are you paralyzed with fear at the prospect of speaking in public?

Are you so shy that you avoid interacting with others?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions then your mind and body are telling you that there are unresolved thought-emotions that you need to uncover and understand.  If you don’t you will fall into a cycle of stress, anxiety and depression which may leave you in despair.

Deal with your unresolved thought-emotions and live your life to the fullest!  Jump at this opportunity now and contact Linda Clarke for more information on using Hypnosis  and NLP for Anxiety, Stress and Depression.

What is Mind-Body Balance?

Hypnotherapy and NLP works on the principle that your mind and body work together to create a healthy physical and mental balance.  Psychological or physical ill health occurs when the harmonious balance of mind and body is upset.

How you THINK and what you FEEL influences your PHYSICAL HEALTH


A PHYSICAL SYMPTOM when extended over a period of time will change how you THINK AND FEEL.

If a symptom (eg anxiety) continues to linger after it’s usefulness has ended, this is a sign that the mind and body are no longer working together in harmonious balance.  Understand the cause of your anxiety, learn techniques to choose your emotional state and put those anxiety attacks behind you forever.  Take that step and Contact Linda Clarke today.

Read more about how feelings and emotions impact your health.

Approaches to Alleviating Anxiety

Hypnosis can uncover the underlying causes for anxiety:-

  • What is triggering an anxiety attack?
  • Why is that trigger causing this reaction?

NLP offers us many techniques to access and anchor desired states.  This means that you can choose your emotional state!

The way our minds work is that the physical reaction – in this case anxiety – happens when old memories, emotions and feelings come to the surface.  You may have no conscious knowledge of these feelings and beliefs.  Hypnosis uncovers these memories, allowing you to understand and accept them.  NLP affords us many techniques to access and anchor desired states.  In so doing you restore the mind-body balance required to live a healthy, fulfilled and happy life.

Contact Linda Clarke and explore using hypnosis and NLP for anxiety. Also have a look at Linda’s Holistic Massage which is very effective in alleviating feelings of anxiety and Mindfulness meditation.

Healing Troubled Relationships

Healing Troubled Relationships.  Jill came to see me because she had difficulty in controlling her outbursts of anger. Her Mother, in particular, irritated her. She had always had a feeling of not belonging.

The Session

Regression uncovered the reasons for Jill’s anger. In Regression Jill went back to the Planning Stage in the Spirit World. This is an in-between-lifetimes state when we choose our parents and decide what lessons we need to learn in the coming life. Regression revealed that Jill felt great anxiety towards her Mother.

Jill regressed back to a past life when she was Sarah. She found herself living with her dead Mother’s sister (Bernadette). Bernadette had children of her own and didn’t really want Sarah and only looked after her as an act of duty. Sarah felt that she never belonged.

“Hypnotherapy helped to put my life into perspective. I can accept what has happened and understand my life better. I have definitely benefited from this experience.”

Jill, March 2008

Going forward in the life of Sarah, she finds herself being burned as a witch. Bernadette is in the crowd and is not supporting her. It was revealed that Jill’s Mother in her current life is Bernadette from her previous life. Jill again went back to her life as Sarah and was able to forgive Bernadette for not supporting her or wanting to look after her as a little girl. She was able to understand that Bernadette had no support herself and was finding life difficult.

Going back to the Planning Stage of her current life Jill was able to understand that she chose her Mother in this life because she wanted to give her another chance to love and care for her. Remember this is Bernadette from the previous life!

Jill also regressed to a different past life as Miriam. In this life Miriam was kidnapped. At the time of the kidnapping she suffered great anxiety. Jill was able to understand that the anxiety that she felt as Miriam has nothing to do with her current life and was able to let it go.

Now that Jill understands where her feelings are coming from she feels calmer and has fewer outbursts of anger.

NOTES: The experience that Linda has had with Jill and with other clients, shows that if you do not take a client back to that initial sensitising event, and recognise that this event may be in a past life, you will not achieve permanent healing.

Studying and Exam Anxiety

Jade’s Story

Studying and Exam Anxiety.  Rather than write Jade’s case study, I thought you would like to read her story in her own words:

“When I was younger I had difficulty in studying. I could never get myself to study for long periods of time or focus on work of importance. I would find anything else to do rather than study and when I did finally sit down to do it I would fall asleep or day-dream and not concentrate on completing the task at hand. Additionally I used to get very nervous at exam time. It was so bad that I would become nauseous. On one occasion I fainted and banged my head as I went down! The result of this was that I could not write the exam that day.

Linda helped me concentrate and focus on my studies. After only one session with her I could already feel a change as if she had motivated me to want to study and learn. I practiced relaxation and visualization techniques. Linda recorded a cd for me which I had to listen to at home twice a day for 30 days. I did this religiously and I was thrilled to find that I could approach exams in a calm, confident and relaxed manner.

I am currently a third year student at University and would not be achieving the results I am at the moment if the root of my studying problem and my hatred for studying had not been fixed.”

Jade, April 2008


Hypnotherapy can be used to deal with any problem you may be experiencing – from exam anxiety through to anxiety disorders that make it impossible for you to live a normal day.

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