Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently

Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) – An Approach to Help you Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently

Hypnosis and NLP are weight loss approaches that work.  Hypnosis and NLP understands the part your subconscious mind plays in your behaviour and re-educates your subconscious to have a healthy body image and to stop starving yourself or to stop craving fatty, high-sugar foods and develop a healthy eating habit that feels like second nature.  Where diet pills, drinks and programmes all treat the symptom of your problem, hypnosis looks at the imprints  in your subconscious mind and helps you to create new beliefs and behaviours to change how you think, feel and behave.    Those underlying imprints can also be addressed using many NLP techniques such as new behaviour generators, anchoring desired states with regards to attitudes to food, exercising, and any limiting beliefs you may have about your ability to have a body that you can feel proud of.

Linda uses hypnosis to understand what subconscious messages are creating your challenges with food and together with NLP techniques to make the necessary changes to help you realize your goals.   Escape from the despair that failed diets so often put you in and Contact Linda today.  Take control of your life so you can really start living!

How will Hypnosis Help you to Have a Healthy Attitude Towards Food?

It is a deep state of relaxation and intense mental focus that help you to change old attitudes and beliefs about eating and maintaining a healthy weight.

Whilst you are in a state of hypnosis, your subconscious mind is more available to you, more open to receive suggestions that will become a natural part of new behaviours.  Suggestions to your subconscious mind bypass the critical mind, which you use day-to-day and go straight to the part of the mind that controls habits.  This allows you to follow through with any changes you have decided to make in your life.

Some of these messages seem pretty simple, and they are.  It’s where they reside that makes the difference.  Suggestions such as “you eat only in response to your body’s natural need for food as fuel” or “you’ll feel completely satisfied with three small nutritious meals a day” or “your enjoyment of a regular exercise programme grows with each time you visit the gym”.  Repetition of these suggestions can boost your determination and enhance your conscious willpower.  Provided they are in harmony with your goals your subconscious will accept them as fact and changes will be permanent!

How does Your Subconscious Mind Drive Behaviour?

Your craving and urge to eat is because of “conditioning.”  When you associate consuming food with any behaviour, emotion or belief it will trigger cravings for food and a feeling of urgency to eat.  This is called a conditioned response.  For example;  As a child you always got a chocolate when you did something well.  As an adult, you are now conditioned into seeing chocolate as a reward.  You start a diet and you’re keeping to it very well!  What pops into your conscious mind from your subconscious?  “You are doing so well, you deserve a chocolate!”

Some people are compulsive eaters – they have an “irresistible impulse” to eat.  This seems strange as our subconscious mind will only encourage behaviours that benefit or protect us in some way.  How could being fat, be a beneficial behaviour?  Why would the subconscious mind allow this to happen?  This is a classic example;  A person may have been sexually abused as a child.  So, to protect the self from being abused again, the unconscious motivates the self to become fat to make itself unattractive to the attention of anyone who might potentially abuse him/her again.

You may think that the conscious mind is in control, but it is your subconscious mind that drives your behaviour.  This part of your mind stores all your experiences, desires, dreams, emotions and habits.  You will never resolve your problem of an eating disorder unless you understand what in your subconscious mind is motivating the behaviour which causes you to have an unhealthy relationship with food or not exercise and therefore never eat healthily.  That’s why you need to contact Linda and explore how hypnosis and NLP can help you to have a healthy relationship with food permanently.

Click here to learn more about the programme.

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